Tuesday, April 3, 2007

"60" Artwork is finished!

I've finally finished all the artwork for the CD! It took a while, having to split up my time between work, Kayo Dot, and Tartar Lamb. I've submitted my order to the CD manufacturer, and although I'm not sure what to expect for turnaround time, I assume the CD will be in-hand by the end of April at the latest, so at that point we can start offering copies for sale. Maybe we'll do a pre-order thing? I know labels tend to do that, but am not sure why.

In other news, I've joined a local concert band as a first clarinetist, so my reading and clarinet playing chops will be at full when it comes time to record the Kayo Dot CD!


Anonymous said...

Great. So if you'll do a preorder, one copy for me please :)

Anonymous said...

One more thing. I'm learning to play clarinet too. That's really great instrument:) I love its sound. It's so mystic and supernatural. I’ve got plans to compose some new music with it.

Anonymous said...

Mmmmm yes. I want more Clarinet on the new album.

Anonymous said...

"having to split up my time between work, Kayo Dot, and Tartar Lamb."

What's work these days?

Toby Driver said...

oh, i'm a "cool" local music store dude!

Anonymous said...
